A toolkit of strong leadership skills which enable leaders to bring sustainable growth to their organisation. Leaders are not born, they are made. Nurture your leaders, current and potential, with training that will help them to develop in line with your organisation’s goals.
Engage Your Reader™
The Polished Presenter
Dynamic Speaking®
Six Thinking Hats®
Business Coaching
Finance Coaching
Colour Accounting™
Facilitation Basics
McQuaig Effective Interviews and Selection
the EQ advantage with flowprofiler®
the resilience advantage with flowprofiler®
the motivation advantage with flowprofiler®
Coaching with flowprofiler®
flowprofiler® dimension labs
McQuaig Effective Teams

Fine tune the communications skills in your organisation and create a buzz around what you do. Stand out in the crowd with great business communication skills. Our business communication skills courses teach people to think, speak and write with impact.

Focus on your people and find the common goals that hold a resilient team together to create an effective workplace. Genuine and sustainable team relationships develop when individuals learn to understand each other.

Anyone can learn to be a creative thinker and find the business solutions that will create future growth and success in your organisation. We teach the thinking skills of Dr Edward de Bono. Fun and easy to learn, these tools will unleash the latent creativity in your teams.

Recruit, develop and retain the right people for your organisation using McQuaig. These workshops deepen users knowledge of the McQuaig tools and help to form cohesive, successful teams.

Positive, personal and powerful, the flowprofiler® family of assessments and training develops emotional and social intelligence, resilience and motivation like never before. flowprofiler® workshops add richness to the assessment tools, to maximise their impact in your teams.
Level 1 | Giving Feedback | Part of the flowprofiler® Interpreter Series
Level 2 | Module A | Professional Development | Part of the flowprofiler® Interpreter Training Series
Level 2 | Module B | Team Development | Part of the flowprofiler® Interpreter Training Series
the EQ advantage with flowprofiler®
the resilience advantage with flowprofiler®
the motivation advantage with flowprofiler®
Coaching with flowprofiler®
flowprofiler® Power Skills Series Dimension Labs