With greater emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation, teams and individuals are able to maintain morale, increase engagement and generally help the organisation be a much healthier workplace.

The last twelve months have seen huge change to workplace dynamics, continuing uncertainty and unprecedented pressure because of a pandemic that few had planned for. While it might have been impossible to plan for the pandemic itself, it is possible to put a framework of resilience, emotional intelligence and motivation at the heart of your organisation now, so that it is ready to face future challenges.
Yet the need for development in these areas isn’t new. Well before Covid, we surveyed our networks to ask where they thought there was room for improvement. What skills did their talent pool lack? What could we do to help our clients and network create more effective workplaces?
The reply was overwhelmingly emotional intelligence (EQ), resilience and motivation. And, as we all battle the shockwaves of the pandemic, we read almost daily in the HR press that these are the soft skills HR teams most want to improve in their organisations. These are the skills that create stronger relationships, stronger leadership and healthy workplaces.
These skills help to improve the way people communicate. A communication skills workshop will certainly teach best practice and technique, but it takes EQ to respond and regulate appropriately, resilience to deliver with authority when faced with push-back and motivation to collaborate well. Greater resilience and motivation help to improve well-being in the workplace through appropriate perseverance, optimism and self-esteem in your teams and individuals. Where relationships are stronger, collaboration becomes easier and more productive. People actually enjoy working with each other to tackle challenges, they find effective solutions and feel energised by their achievements.
With greater emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation, teams and individuals are able to maintain morale, increase engagement and generally help the organisation be a much healthier workplace.
Why flowprofiler®?
The flowprofiler® family of assessments, training and coaching helps to develop emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation in workplaces everywhere.
- It helps to drive everyday employee engagement in remote workplaces where it’s all too easy to lose touch.
- It encourages mature behaviour when pressure rises.
- It helps to improve organisational resilience when obstacles appear too challenging.
- It enables the individual to develop emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation skills that maintain morale, prevent burnout and sustain productivity.
It’s hard for an individual to understand when their actions have a negative impact on those around them, especially if everyone is working remotely. It becomes much easier however, when they can hold up an objective mirror to their behaviour and evaluate how they respond to their triggers. It’s not rocket science to say that people are happier when they have strong working relationships with their colleagues and leaders. These should be based on the mutual respect and regard that come with self-awareness and self-regulation.
Teams develop stronger bonds when their outliers can see that their responses are away from the norm, and can evaluate whether they want to, or should, adjust their behaviour to benefit team cohesion. Perhaps that renegade outlier is great for the team, or perhaps they are destructive. Either way, the team and its leader have the opportunity to understand and make the decision that is right for them.
What is The flowprofiler® Series from Holst?
The flowprofiler® Series includes workshops that add richness to and maximise the impact of the flowprofiler® assessment tools:
It is not a quick fix. It is most impactful when used over a 12-18 month period as an ‘assess – train – coach – re-assess’ process. It works at its optimum level when individuals and teams are supported in their growth with external coaches, or internal coaches who are flowprofiler® trained. flowprofiler® can be uncomfortable at times, some may not initially like what the tools reflect, but with professional support and a positive mindset, the results can be truly transformational.
The flowprofiler® Series
The flowprofiler® Series enables organisations to develop and place value on the skills of emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation across their organisation. The series is ideal for individual and team development and is delivered bespoke to your business. Adding these workshops to your training calendar shows that you are determined to enhance your employee value proposition and be an employer of choice.
the emotional intelligence advantage with eqflow® helps to
- Improve decision-making
- Enhance well-being
- Develop leadership skills
- Stronger work relationships
- Improve personal effectiveness
the resilience advantage with resilienceflow® helps to
- Discover your personal grit
- Maintain a positive mindset
- Improve problem solving and creativity
- Manage change effectively
- Embrace opportunities
the motivation advantage with motivationflow® helps
- Greater engagement at work
- Become more self-sufficient
- Increase growth opportunities
- Develop stronger relationships
- Feel more empowered
These workshops turn the theories of emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation into practical ways for teams and individuals to develop these key soft skills that are so much in demand. Contact us to learn more about flowprofiler®.
Contact us
We’re a team who practice what we preach. 2020 was tough, but we made it through with perseverance, motivation and above all by supporting each other. Contact us to find out how we can help you to do the same.
flowprofiler® and associated marks are registered trademarks of Chalmers International Limited | All rights reserved
eqflow® and associated marks are registered trademarks of Chalmers International Limited | All rights reserved
resilienceflow® and associated marks are registered trademarks of Chalmers International Limited | All rights reserved
motivationflow® and associated marks are registered trademarks of Chalmers International Limited | All rights reserved