flowprofiler® dimension labs | Emotional Awareness and Emotional Regulation

Focus on your emotional awareness and emotional regulation to learn more about your emotional intelligence. Discover what you can do to improve it and your performance in the workplace.

flowprofiler® dimension labs: Emotional Awareness and Emotional Regulation

What do you recruit or promote on? IQ or EQ?

IQ is often used as an indicator of professional performance. But, it’s actually less important for many than that other intelligence: EQ, or emotional intelligence.

We go to university to learn academic subjects. We take on MAs, MBAs and perhaps even a PhD is. We might learn a new language, all in the pursuit of improving our intelligence and gaining further qualifications as proof of our worth.

But how much emphasis do we put on the skills that help us to be the best versions of ourselves, day to day and when under pressure? Do we ever deliberately try to become better people to work and live with? The answer is rarely, unless disaster or burnout has already struck.

We tend only to work on these soft ‘power skills’ in the hindsight of a negative experience or setback. But what about if we put this at the front of our professional and personal development? Perhaps if we did, those negative experiences and the damage they cause might be avoided, or at least be better dealt with.

A great place to start is with improvement in our emotional awareness and emotional regulation.

What is emotional awareness and emotional regulation?

Emotional awareness, the ability to:

  • Understand one’s own emotions
  • Mindful of one’s own reactions
  • Be approachable, reflective and intuitive

Emotional regulation, the ability to:

  • Respond appropriately
  • Be composed under pressure
  • Regulate one’s own behaviour
  • Be emotionally consistent

When an individual is emotionally aware and able to regulate they understand their triggers. They can see those triggers on the horizon and are able to handle them in a way that is appropriate in the workplace. Instead of fighting back, they might logically state their case and stand their ground. Instead of casting blame, they might look to use the experience as a positive learning point.

Emotional intelligence: keeping cool under pressure

Emotional regulation in leaders sets a clear example for everyone to follow. Poor leaders can allow toxicity to take hold, even if they do not actually promote it themselves. Perhaps they are explosive, creating a fear and blame culture. Or perhaps so emotionally distant that no one is able to get through to explain how they feel about their workplace. Either side of the coin – over and under use-results in stress, burnout and little team cohesion.

Take the first step towards better emotional awareness and emotional regulation

Join us later in Q2 for the first in a series of flowprofiler® dimension labs. In these one hour sessions, participants will learn the basis of emotional awareness and emotional regulation and what that means to them. The sessions are reflective rather than interactive. We ask no one to bare their souls in these sessions, but instead we provide the tools for each individual to use to improve their emotional awareness and regulation skills in the workplace.

The aim is for every participant to learn something new about this side of themselves and gain insight into the skills they need to best manage their behaviour. We don’t want to change anyone’s personality, but rather to equip everyone with the skills to bring out the best of what makes them unique and valuable in your organisation.

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