Leadership development is something of a labyrinth encompassing talent management, employee engagement, relationship building and workplace culture.

We expect much from our leaders and managers in all these areas. It’s therefore important to pin down exactly how we want them to deliver.
Leadership development done well supports an individual to evolve into a leader who inspires trust, loyalty and productivity. Someone who can manage conflict and push-back. Someone who sets a standard for strong workplace relationships that are healthy and positive.
Basing your leadership development on a framework will avoid the one off initiatives that may look good on paper but are largely irrelevant to solidifying a sustainable healthy workplace culture.
Leaders who deliver success
Your organisation will need leaders who can actually deliver success in your sector. This might appear to be an obvious statement. However, just a quick glance at the HR press throws up a steady stream of stories highlighting the fall out of over promoted and under supported leaders who instead of delivering success, create discord and even result in tribunal action. Aligning leadership to your specific initiatives will create the conditions to avoid these pitfalls.
Identifying potential and current leaders who either do or could align with your business objectives is key. But you should also identify how this will happen.
- What do your leaders need to do?
- What skills will this require?
- How can the organisation develop/maintain/improve these skills?
- How do you ensure ‘buy-in’ from your leaders?
These are four simple questions that underpin a bespoke leadership development programme with flowprofiler®. It’s also essential to make clear how the process will be conducted in practical terms.
- Communicate with clarity – use accessible and succinct language that defines the leadership development objectives
- Outline the practical support that will support development and change
- Review regularly and without recrimination to create a supportive culture which normalises self-improvement
Leadership development with flowprofiler®
At Holst we take a holistic approach to leadership development using flowprofiler® assessments, coaching and training events.
We help you to identify the leaders that you believe have the potential to successfully lead your teams and organisation into the future. flowprofiler® reports require some interpretation and feedback skills. Our leadership development programme includes workshop training to equip your HR team with the skills to interpret the results. This training adds depth of knowledge in your HR team and further supports the assessed individuals in their growth. Trained flowprofiler® interpreters can confidently feedback assessment results. They can engage in rich conversations which will encourage the individual to make subtle adjustments that can have a disproportionately large impact.
The assessment results inform the direction of the coaching process. Our coaches work with HR teams to build sessions that specifically look at the organisation’s objectives without losing sight of what the individual needs to achieve change. While competency frameworks are inherently ‘tick box’ in design, there is nothing ‘tick box’ about coaching with flowprofiler®. Every individual is unique as is their journey to align with the organisation’s objectives.
Holst coaches work with a light touch to empower the individual to be accountable for themselves and their progression. During the coaching period, individuals can attend online flowprofiler® dimension labs which enrich their understanding of emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation, depending on the flowprofiler® the tools used. These sessions invite your leaders to reflect on their own development. They are not training workshops where attendees are required to bear all, the goal is to prompt inward reflection that can be further explored in the one-to-one coaching sessions.
This process takes around nine months to complete. It concludes with reassessment of the individual and a review of progress towards meeting the objectives. However, leadership development does not end here. This is just one cycle of the programme. Ongoing coaching will help to further develop outstanding leaders who will understand the importance of strong workplace culture and relationships.
Contact us to learn more about leadership development with flowprofiler®.
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