To ensure good communication, enthusiasm and productivity in the workplace, effective management is crucial. The relationship between an effective manager and their direct reports has an immediate positive impact on the morale and success of the team.
So what makes an effective manager?
Appreciate your team
Your team are a valuable asset and underestimating their efforts could lead to demotivated staff and a higher staff turnover. Gratitude for work well done can easily help to develop loyalty, boost motivation and productivity.
Clear communication
Ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them. Delegation, conflict management, motivation and relationship building are all much easier if you are a strong communicator.
Part of a manager’s role is to be available and show that you are willing to listen and support them any way you can. The ability to listen effectively to the wants, needs and concerns of the whole team is essential. Everyone should feel their opinion is important. An effective manager will create a workplace where people feel valued and supported.
Make decisions
Teams need appropriate direction from decisive leaders – they look to their managers to take the decisions and provide guidance.
Effective managers know how to delegate and trust their staff to handle particular tasks. There is a greater incentive to perform well and to achieve their potential when managers visibly demonstrate that they support their employees.
Conflict resolution
An effective manager needs to be able to mediate in tricky situations and resolve them quickly and effectively.
Take time
It is important to get to know your team. Find out what motivates them and what they value in their job and from the organisation. By finding this out you can help to create an aspirational workplace where workers feel valued.
Set a good example
Prove you have the skills and knowledge required to gain the professional respect and the confidence of your team. Being honest and open, embody the values of the organisation to help your team engage better and trust your judgement. Show you can lead the team effectively by getting involved when required, and being there when your team need you.
How to avoid the most common mistakes that managers make
Managing people requires a diverse range of skills, and an effective manager never stops learning and developing these. New managers in particular require support in becoming competent with managing others.
Providing a structured development plan will ensure that a manager has the information and boundaries they need to perform well. It is essential to understand the make-up of a team and how to manage different personality types, their strengths and weaknesses and how to motivate them. The McQuaig Psychometric System can help in these areas, and McQuaig Effective Teams training gives real insight to help managers and their teams to really get to know each other.
Communication is key to effective management, and the Connect Series from Holst contains a raft of training in business communication, from delivering polished presentations to improving the quality and effectiveness of written communication skills.
Mentoring and coaching can provide great support, and the McQuaig 360 enables managers to become more self-aware through this useful feedback.
Keep your lines of communication open. Gain the trust of your team. Get regular feedback, continue to improve skills and learn new ones. Your success is dependent on the success of your team. To be an effective manager you need to make time to lead your team, so everyone can make a meaningful and constructive contribution.