The Psychometric Audit: Why It’s Important to Evaluate ROI

Psychometric assessments offer valuable insights into candidates' abilities, personalities, and behaviours. However, it’s essential for businesses to evaluate the ROI to ensure these assessments deliver measurable value.

Let’s look at three key reasons why organisations such as yours should take time to assess the ROI in psychometric assessments:

1. Cost Justification

Psychometric assessments often involve significant costs, including purchasing the tools and training staff to use them effectively. 

Evaluating ROI helps businesses determine whether the benefits, such as improved performance or reduced staff turnover, outweigh the financial investment. For example, if the data shows that psychometric assessments lead to better hiring outcomes, with fewer poor hires and more productive employees, the investment is clearly justified. 

Without a positive ROI, businesses risk spending money on tools that don’t provide tangible results.

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2. Improved Hiring and Retention Decisions

Psychometric assessments help businesses to make better, more informed hiring decisions by offering objective insights into candidates’ skills, personality traits, and suitability for a role. 

However, it’s important to assess whether the assessment you use actually leads to better hiring outcomes and improved employee retention. Measuring the ROI allows businesses to see if candidates selected through psychometric assessments perform better, stay longer, and require less training. 

A lower turnover rate resulting from better hires would indicate that the investment in these tools is valuable for long-term success.

"We use McQuaig all the time. We've got the right people in the right jobs. The result of that is our average length of service is in excess of 10 years."

3. Enhanced Talent Development

Alongside recruitment, psychometric assessments are valuable for employee development, identifying strengths, areas for growth, and leadership potential. 

By evaluating ROI, businesses can assess whether these assessments contribute to more effective development programmes and career progression. If psychometric tools help identify future leaders and improve team dynamics, they enhance productivity and contribute to a stronger workforce, justifying the investment.

"We use [Holst] psychometric tools not just at recruitment but also throughout the journey of our colleagues, whether that is how we lead them, how we manage them and onward how we develop them."
Lorraine Metcalf
Lorraine Metcalf
Chief People Officer, Quantexa

We can help …

Evaluating the ROI of psychometric assessments is crucial for businesses to ensure they are making financially sound decisions.

By assessing the cost-effectiveness, impact on hiring and retention, and contribution to talent development, businesses can be sure that these assessments deliver real value and support organisational growth.

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