Ken Everett: So why should you Think On Your Feet ®?

Ken Everett from Think On Your FeetKen Everett: So why should you Think On Your Feet ®? Preparing for formal presentations is a well trodden route – detailed powerpoint slides, endless notes. But what about those occasions where the situation is more casual? This is often where you can give your message greater impact and increase your chance of being heard. Presentation skills workshops are are less effective when you need to get your point across clearly and quickly. You might have only a few minutes to make impact or limited resources to display your information. Think on Your Feet ® is the perfect choice to upskill your own personal toolkit. In this short interview, Ken Everett, Think On Your Feet ® Master Trainer, explains the basics of this world-renowned course. With Clarity. Brevity. Impact. So expertly delivered that you won’t need to take notes to remember his message. Think On Your Feet ® is a terrific 2-day workshop that will give you dynamic structures to strategically position your message giving you the spit and polish your delivery deserves. It really is the art of impromtu speaking. [traininglist slug=”think-on-your-feet-2-days”]]]>

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