Why you should continue onboarding beyond the probationary period

onboarding beyond the probationary periodEmployers often assume that once the typical three month probationary period is over the employee is well and truly on board. Yet studies show that focusing on onboarding for up to a year has a positive effect on employee performance and company culture. It also has an important role in continuing to ensure employee retention.

Onboarding beyond the probationary period

When managers continue to work with the new employee, they can identify gaps. This means they can effectively address problems that could lead to an employee’s early departure from the company.  Meeting regularly with the now not-so-new employee is good for understanding overall levels of satisfaction, and important areas for improvement. Becoming aware of these early allows you to address them in a timely manner. This helps the employee to better understand what is expected and build the skills needed for high performance. Addressing problems early on avoids bad habits setting in, or a failure to clearly understand expectations. McQuaig’s Self Development Survey® helps improve the coaching process during this stage of onboarding to find ways that managers can help employees to benefit from their strengths and target areas for development. Our new onboarding eBook is full of guidance to help with late stage onboarding.


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