Contact Details: Web Site: Summary about the company: Edison Schools UK works with its partner schools through a process of consultancy, coaching and innovation, to provide a complete package of services and technologies to assist with raising achievement. Through its research-based school design, diagnostic assessment systems, continuous professional development, and integrated use of technology, Edison provides an all-encompassing school improvement programme designed to support every aspect of a school’s operation in pursuit of a more effective and satisfying learning experience. Edison’s operations include: • school improvement services through its Partner School services • whole-school management services • support for local authority Building Schools for the Future activity • consultancy support for Academy sponsors, school designers, architects and builders • The development of teaching and learning tools and resources for schools. Edison’s highly experienced team includes prominent figures in the British educational scene who have made significant practical contributions to education in Britain as headteachers, researchers, educational strategists, and senior advisers. Products/Services: School Improvement Services School Management Services Educational Leadership training and consultancy Support for School Design Services For more information have a look at the web site:]]>

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