Diversity, stress and lipservice

With the current focus on diversity and inclusion, particularly in the legal sector, it made me think about past situations with stress. We had an excellent product which accurately identified areas of stress and provided people with a personal development plan to improve their ability to cope with this. It also gave them access to a tailored set of computer based training modules. All high quality and in our opinion cost effective and comprehensive. Clients loved it! Said they had never seen anything else like it in the market and it was excellent.The issue was that despite the reported costs and impact of stress, they basically didn’t want to spend any time and money on it! What they actually wanted wasn’t an in-depth programme but a lunch hour seminar for managers on identifying stress and an employee assistance programme to say they were serious about it. This covered the basics without them having to get really serious about and commit any real time and resources. I wonder if the hot topic of diversity and inclusion is the same? Everyone is saying how important it is but will it really boil down to them simply having a policy? We have a very interesting and we believe powerful combination of practical business tools to address this but I wonder if people in fact will be satisfied with just a policy rather than an effective programme.]]>

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Testimonial | Lorraine Metcalf, Quantexa

We talk to Lorraine Metcalf (Chief People Officer): How Holst supports Quantexa to build effective workplace culture. https://youtu.be/lDV0qTXzgcg We talk to Lorraine

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