Creating New Ideas at the Creativity Laboratory

Dr. Edward de Bono’s Lateral Thinking Techniques. The sessions could hardly be more relevant to their work. The techniques are now an integral part of the way the researchers approach their work and have already yielded results. Biggest benefits so far include: Coming up with as many new ideas in two days as in six months of previous work. Time saved by not staring blankly at a screen waiting for inspiration. Ability to break down existing programmes and come up with alternative format ideas. In addition, a range of other benefits were recorded by those attending the course and applying the techniques in their everyday work situation: All found the random entry device most useful for overcoming creative blocks and “brain drain”. Random entry has been useful for generating programme titles and kick-starting the creative process. The Six Thinking Hats are being used to assess proposals and formats as well as being applied to regular development meetings. Groups using the Six Thinking Hats find the system forces them to think around a problem and is excellent for finding solutions to proposals that previously didn’t work. The creative thinking techniques work well either individually or in groups. Having a strict time limit for each technique is seen unanimously as very useful – keeping the momentum going and the mind concentrated. The discipline needed to use each of the techniques has been useful when the researchers have conducted development sessions with others in their companies. All researchers have introduced some of the techniques to their managers, and in all cases this was met with enthusiasm. Discovering there could be a formula and a structure to develop creative ideas, and learning ways to eliminate factors restrict clear and creative thought, has helped the researchers feel confident of sustaining the relentless creative process. Click here to book on one of Dr Edward de Bono’s courses or call 0800 043 3950]]>

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