Communicate with your Financial Director
Communication is a key component to working with your Financial Director. In the fast-paced world of business in the 21st century, it is imperative that executives and staff members “stay on the same page” when it comes to memos, documents, presentations and other forms of corporate communication.
Some people may find that financial professionals seem to speak another language altogether. The world of finance has it’s own vocabulary and concepts, but with the proper training anyone can learn financial literacy.
Once you become more financially literate, you and your Financial Director will be able to:
- Have more precise communication
- Respond to business concerns faster
- Address important questions or concerns
- Collaborate more effectively
- Proofread your memos, emails and reports.
- Eliminate vague language.
- Focus on specific details.
- Ask for clarification when you are confused.
- Listen to a person speak before you form your response.
- Pay attention to nonverbal communication cues.
- Practice your presentations before you give them.
- Take courses and workshops to dramatically improve your communication skills.