Classic de Bono: ‘But they are not stupid.’
Over the years Dr Edward de Bono has shared great insights through his messages. This series of blogs revisits some of those highlights.
Socially, we invest a lot of effort in developing the ‘elite’, the gifted, the high flyers etc. This makes good sense because society needs their talents, and society needs leaders who will inspire and lead others. We also devote resources and attention to the disadvantaged, because they need care, cannot look after themselves, and also out of religious charity. So society looks after the two extremes. The grey middle can look after itself, because it is not defined as a ‘group’. This is, more or less, one of the sensible points that Pauline Hanson made in Australia: “defined groups got attention but the tail end of other groups did not.” Education wastes about two thirds of the talent of society. Those youngsters who are not good at the academic game (information and exams) leave school with nothing more than diminished self-esteem: “I am stupid”. But they are not stupid! They usually turn out to be very good thinkers – if given the chance. Their self-esteem rises. Their confidence increases, and they become capable of great contributions to themselves, and to society. I believe this to be a key area of neglect, and a key area needing attention. The simplest and most powerful way to do something about it is to teach thinking. This does not mean philosophical analysis, but simple and practical thinking tools as in the CoRT Thinking Programme, and Six Thinking Hats® for Schools. What about those who just fail their exams? That should be an attention area too. Mike Milken made a fortune out of paying attention to investment just below institutional grade.Edward de Bono, 2001
About the author: Dr Edward de Bono is a world leading authority on thinking skills. Creator of the famous Six Thinking Hats®, Lateral Thinking and many other workshops he has authored 62 books published in 32 languages. Holst is Dr Edward de Bono’s partner in Europe. Click here for more information about Dr de Bono and his tools. Would you like to change how people think? Consider adding Dr Edward de Bono’s tools to your portfolio and become a certified de Bono trainer. ]]>