Classic de Bono: …better thinking available
Over the years Dr Edward de Bono has shared great insights through his messages. This series of blogs revisits some of those highlights.
Maybe the human race has not yet started to ‘think’. That seems to be a bold and provocative statement. It may all depend on what we mean by ‘thinking’. What we currently call ‘thinking’ could more accurately be called ‘recognition’. We learn to identify standard situations. We then provide standard answers. In any case recognising the standard situation provides us with information about that situation – and possible developments of the situation. This type of thinking has served us rather well. At least, this is the case in science and technology. It is harder to see that we have made much progress in human affairs. The reason is that in science and technology ‘things’ stay the same forever. So recognition leads to prediction. In human affairs there are interactive loops, so the same thinking is largely ineffective. There is new and better thinking available. We should make more effort to use it.Edward de Bono nmt
9th December 2001
About the author: Dr Edward de Bono is a world leading authority on thinking skills. Creator of the famous Six Thinking Hats®, Lateral Thinking and many other workshops he has authored 62 books published in 32 languages. Holst is Dr Edward de Bono’s partner in Europe. Click here for more information about Dr de Bono and his tools. Would you like to change how people think? Consider adding Dr Edward de Bono’s tools to your portfolio and complete your de Bono certification. Six Thinking Hats Workshop 11th June. Book here. ]]>