5 Things to Avoid Before a Presentation
A presentation is only as good as its presenter. Often a presentation goes awry not because the presenter was ill prepared or nervous, but because of some bad decisions made right before the presentation.
Here are 5 tips to consider before taking the stage:
1. Avoid pulling an all-nighter the night before
- Sleep is essential for memory formation
- Sleep relaxes your body and mind so that you are bright and fresh for your presentation
- Lack of sleep will make you look grungy, fatigued and more prone to make mistakes
- Carb and fat heavy meals tend to make you lethargic
- Avoid sugars and spices as they might make you uncomfortable while you’re presenting
- If the presentation has been rehearsed in a different manner, then making last minute changes will cause confusion and nervousness
- Good presenters are well prepared and well-rehearsed
- It’s common sense not to be drunk or hung-over before the presentation, but avoid alcohol altogether as even a small amount can impair your cognitive abilities
- Also avoid diuretics containing caffeine which may prompt unnecessary peppiness
- Even a single cigarette can cause a sore throat, hoarseness and make you want to frequently clear your throat
- Drink water and relax your vocal cords before going on